Zeno Acne Clearing Device Cures Zits

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Zeno Tip Life and Replacement

Zeno Tip Life and Replacement

Zeno relies on carefully controlled heat doses in order to kill P. acne bacteria. After multiple cycles of heating and cooling a treatment tip can degrade and become unable to reach sufficient temperature, reducing the efficacy of Zeno's therapy. The Zeno Treatment Tips are therefore limited to 90 treatment cycles to ensure that the thermal efficiency cannot degrade to the point of preventing adequate treatment temperature. Once you reach the end of your treatment cycles with your treatment tip you will need to purchase a new replacement tip so your Zeno device will work at it's optimal level.

The science of heat applied to acne

With Tyrell's ClearPoint™ acne heat treatment technology, P. acne are destroyed by a process called heat shock response. Heat shock response is a reaction bacteria have to heat whereby they transcript a number of their genes and activate heat-shock proteins. These heat-shock proteins participate in the bacteria's death by causing the bacteria to self-destruct. P. acnes self-destruct in the acne lesion preventing infection and allowing the skin to return to a healthy state. Fortunately, the level of heat required is not sufficient to cause damage to the skin.

Tyrell performed numerous lab studies on P. acnes to assess the temperature range in which heat shock response occurs in this bacteria, including a waterbath and a thermal cycler study, known for accuracy to tenths of a degree. DNAtrix, Inc., a molecular pharmaceutical company jointly owned by Dr. Conrad and the Board of Regents of the University of Texas , performed the thermal cycler testing which was critical in determining if P. acnes ' heat shock response occurs below the point of heat damage of human skin. Futhermore, these tests were critical in assessing the rate of P. acnes death at various temperatures over time (temperature versus time). The results indicated significant death of P. acne at a temperature well below the thermic damage of human skin.

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Acne Pimple Treatment

Acne is pustular eruptions, localized abscessed formation and local inflammatory conditions of the dermis and epidermis skin layers. Endogenous hormones (mainly androgens), which are present in unusually high concentrations in the blood during adolescence and puberty give rise to an excessive production of sebum (or oil).

Acne condition may worsen by a simultaneous increase in the rate of keratin in the skin's outer layer (the horny layer) that causes skin cell death. As the horny cells proliferate, they can form an occlusive plug or comedone which coupled with the increased production of the sebum, represents an ideal medium for the proliferation of the skin resident anaerobic bacterium, P. acnes.

Plugged follicles may take the form of either whiteheads, where the plug in the follicle remains beneath the skin's surface, or blackheads, where the plug in the follicle extends to the skin's surface and becomes visible. In the majority of these clogged follicles, the bacterium P. acnes will cause swelling, itching, and redness around the follicle.

The bacterium P. acnes is normally present in all skin types as part of the skin's sebum maintenance system. In a hair follicle, P. acnes produces enzymes that break down sebum creating a balance of oil in the skin. However, a clogged follicle creates an ideal environment for this sebum-eating skin bacterium to multiply. Consequently, the increase of P. acnes and its enzymes irritates and inflames the skin resulting in acne. Furthermore, P. acnes is responsible for at least 90% of all acne cases.

There are many myths about what causes acne. Stress does not cause acne, and neither does eating greasy foods. Another common myth is that dirty skin causes acne, but studies have shown that blackheads and other acne lesions are not caused by dirt.

Acne is a medical problem and requires a medical solution.

Pimple Treatment
People of all races and ages get acne. Although frequently thought of as a condition that affects teenagers, adult acne is a real problem, and some people in their forties and fifties continue to have this skin condition. For decades, people have experimented with and invented all manner of treatments and medications to clear acne, with varying degrees of success.

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Zeno Acne Clearing Device

Zeno Acne Clearing Device

• What is Zeno Acne Clearing Device?

Zeno Acne Clearing Device is a handheld, portable electronic medical device that is clinically proven to make pimples disappear fast. In fact, for treating acne pimples, it's the most scientifically advanced and effective device available without a prescription.

• What does Zeno Acne Clearing Device do?

Zeno Acne Clearing Device applies a precisely controlled heat dose directly to the pimple through a metal pad. One treatment lasts 2½ minutes. Two to three treatments spread over
24 hours clear up most pimples quickly. It's that simple.

• How does Zeno Acne Clearing Device work?

Pimples occur when excess skin oil and flaking skin plug the opening of a hair follicle and create the ideal environment for acne bacteria to grow. Precisely controlled heat applied for a specific period of time causes the bacteria to self-destruct. When the bacteria die, the pimple goes away.

• How many treatments does Zeno Acne Clearing Device take?

Two to three 2½-minute treatments spread over 24 hours are sufficient for most pimples. Often, only one treatment is needed. Each Zeno Acne Clearing Device when purchased comes with 90 treatments. After your 90 treatments are up, you will need to purchase a replacement tip for your Zeno device.

• Who should use Zeno Acne Clearing Device?

Zeno Acne Clearing Device is for people with mild to moderate acne. If in doubt, ask your doctor.

• When should Zeno Acne Clearing Device be used?

Use Zeno Acne Clearing Device at the first sign of a pimple. It works best when used on a pimple in the early stages of development. Also, the sooner pimples are cleared up, the less chance they have to leave scars.

• How does Zeno Acne Clearing Device compare with topical or oral treatments?

Zeno Acne Clearing Device can clear up a pimple in just hours. Most other medications can take days or even weeks to work. What's more, other than slight, temporary skin redness, Zeno has none of the side effects described by most topical or oral medications.

• Is Zeno Acne Clearing Device safe and painless?

Patients included in our clinical trials experienced little reaction to the low-level heat. Other than some temporary skin redness following a treatment cycle, no other adverse side effects were reported. But should you experience any discomfort when using Zeno, discontinue use and consult your skin care professional.

• Is Zeno Acne Clearing Device all I need for acne?

Zeno does not replace good skin hygiene or a doctor's care. Zeno Acne Clearing Device is designed to treat mild to moderate acne. Your doctor may recommend other therapies, depending on the severity of your acne. Follow your doctor's advice and use Zeno Acne Clearing Device for the occasional pimple.

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